Here is why you should calm down and stop worrying about that indentation in your outer thigh muscle.
I’m going to tell you why seeing an indent in your outer thigh is actually a GOOD sign.
I’m a former certified personal trainer and of course, a fitness expert — very knowledgeable of human anatomy and the musculoskeletal system.
By far, and I mean VERY FAR, the most likely explanation for an indent in your outer thigh muscle is NORMAL HUMAN ANATOMY.
We are not perfectly smooth and flat under our skin.
Take a good look at the quad indents in the legs shown at the top of this article. How many do you see? I count four on the leg closest to the viewer.
Look at the outer right thigh in the woman below.
Frankly, I think that the “dent” is attractive. There is a less obvious dent above it, just below her panty line. Both are normal human anatomy.
Do you see YOUR indent in the above photo?
I know the indent you’re speaking of, because it’s usually the first one to show when a person’s bodyfat gets low enough and they already have some tone to the thigh muscles.
Below is an anatomical illustration that clearly shows grooves between major muscles. These grooves are the sources of dents, when bodyfat is low enough.

Shutterstock/Sebastian Kaulitzk
Depending on your bodyfat level, you can make the indent in your outer thigh disappear (or rather, get hidden) by gaining fat.
Eat up, gorge and put on fat, and this additional fat will conceal the indent or make it less noticeable. Guaranteed for normal anatomy.
The less bodyfat with toned muscles, the more visible will be the separation between the muscles. Less bodyfat is a desirable feature!
Physique athletes (not just bulky bodybuilders) LOVE to see indentations in their quads.
It’s a sign of reduced bodyfat.
The lingo in the muscle-building community is cut, definition or crack. But you need NOT be a physique enthusiast to “get” an indent in your outer thigh.
People with flabby, mushy muscles but also low bodyfat will probably not see this groove; or, it’ll be hardly noticeable.
The people most likely to notice it, who are not deliberately trying to get it, are those who exercise or play sports (and therefore have toned leg muscles), and have a low bodyfat level in that area.
When I say “low,” I don’t mean as low as a physique athlete posing on stage, but “low” as in: There’s really no excess fat there, no plumpness kind of fat.
If your weight fluctuates or you’re a yo-yo dieter, take notice of what these weight fluctuations do to the indent. The heavier you are (with fat), the less visible the indent.

Shutterstock/Syda Productions
People may panic if they notice that the indent comes and goes, but this coming-and going parallels weight fluctuations.
Other types of athletes also have this indent in their outer thigh, and the fact that athletes have this should reassure you that it’s benign, harmless.
Do some googling of images for soccer players, tennis players, any athlete where there are generous views of their outer thighs, and you’ll see lots of indentations—just like yours!