Can a Person Be Immune to ADHD Because of a High I.Q.?

Some people wonder if IQ can be too high for an ADHD diagnosis.

I know this question may seem quite silly, but it’s a popular one on at least one online support site for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Thus, I decided to explore this topic with an expert in ADHD.

For this post I spoke with Dr. Robert Myers, creator of the Total Focus program at Legacy Publishing.

Dr. Myers is a clinical psychologist who has 30+ years of experience working with children, adolescents, families and parents, specializing in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Is there a connection between high I.Q. and ADHD?

“The answer is absolutely no,” says Dr. Myers.  “People with ADHD are most likely to have average to above average IQs.  Some are very intelligent.

“This is the source of frustration and confusion for the person with ADHD and those around them.  They ask, ‘How can such a bright person be so flakey?’”

The Explanation

Dr. Myers says: “The answer is that these people have deficits in what we call executive functions that are related to such things as paying attention, working memory and planning skills.  Their other brain functions are working fine.”

Have you been recently diagnosed with ADHD?

If all along you’ve known that you’re pretty smart, and are now stunned to learn that you have ADHD, you should not jump to conclusions yet over this surprising diagnosis.

(Though in many cases of adult-diagnosed ADHD, the individual is not surprised at all, as they’ve been living with this condition’s challenges all their life.)

Dr. John Huber explains in this article what it really means when an adult is diagnosed with ADHD.

One of the things it could mean is that you have untreated sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea, which can affect thin people and even kids and teens, can cause symptoms that mimic those of ADHD.

This is particularly true for children. Steven Y. Park, MD, an otolaryngologist, explains in this post what the signs are that a child with sleep apnea has actually been misdiagnosed with ADHD.

If anything is often connected to the symptom features of ADHD, it’s untreated sleep apnea, not I.Q.!

Dr. Myers has 30+ years’ experience working with children, adolescents and parents, specializing in children and adolescents with ADHD. Total Focus is a comprehensive program to improve attention, concentration and self-control in children.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.  


Top image: ©Lorra Garrick