What can you do to increase ejection fraction if you don’t want to take medications that might cause fainting?

“There are really no other good ways of increasing ejection fraction other than medications,” says Dr. Sameer Sayeed, a cardiologist at ColumbiaDoctors of Somers, NY.

“Exercise may help to raise ejection fraction, but over the long term is not as proven or effective as ACE inhibitors like Lisinopril or beta blockers such as Carvedilol, which can both cause blackouts.”

If you don’t yet have what would be considered an abnormally low ejection fraction, then what you can do is lead a lifestyle that’s designed to prevent your ejection fraction from getting low enough to necessitate drugs.

Medications do not cure low ejection fraction; there is no cure. Low ejection fraction can lead to congestive heart failure.

Prevention or maximal delaying of this condition comes in the form of avoiding tobacco, engaging in rigorous cardio exercise and strength training, and sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet.

“Aldactone, which is an aldosterone blocking medication, is now also used to help increase ejection fraction after adequate beta blocker and ACE inhibitor doses are already being used,” says Dr. Sayeed.

“It usually does not cause blackouts and may be an option used alone if they cannot tolerate the other two meds.” Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

Dr. Sayeed performs echocardiograms and stress tests at the Midtown Manhattan and Westchester offices at Columbia Doctors. He is also trained in cardiac CT imaging.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.  


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