Can a neurotypical person also be autistic? Does “neurotypautism” actually exist?
The terms “neurotypical” and “autism” are commonly seen as opposites, but the relationship between them may be more complex than being a strict binary.
What is Neurotypical?
First off, let’s look at what neurotypical isn’t. It doesn’t mean normal.
Rather, it’s a term referring to the most common way the human brain is wired.
That’s why “typical” is the suffix rather than “normal” as in “neuronormal.”
No, neuronormal wouldn’t fly. Neurotypical means the way the majority of human minds operate.
So, a neurotypical (as a noun) refers to individuals whose brain development and socio-cognitive functioning fall within the typical or mainstream range.
- NTs tend to believe that their way of thinking is the only correct way, and that anything that diverts from that is “not normal.”
Neurotypicals don’t have any neurological conditions or developmental disorders such as autism, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome or dyslexia.
They tend to process and respond to information in ways that align with societal expectations.
What is Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by differences in communication, information processing, social interactions and behavior (which can range from subtle differences to dramatic).
The spectrum aspect means that the features and their severity can vary widely among those with ASD.
Soon after my diagnosis of autism I attended my first autism community resource fair.
I was at a table with two high-functioning young autistic men. They couldn’t have been more different from each other.
One was talkative, his voice slightly odd in pitch though expressive. He had some facial expressions as he spoke. His eye contact seemed normal.
The other hardly spoke, but when he did his voice was monotone. He lacked facial expression. His eye contact was intense.
ASD presents very differently from one Autist to the next, even within the same “level.”
There are three levels. Level 1 autism refers to those who require minimal support.
Can a person be both neurotypical and autistic?
By definition, a neurotypical person does not have autism, and by definition, an Autist is not neurotypical.
Thus, to say that someone is “neurotypical with autism” is a contradiction.
However, the distinction between neurotypical and neurodivergent (which includes conditions like autism and ADHD) is not always clear-cut.
The concept of “high-functioning” autism (a term now largely avoided in favor of referring to levels of support needs) suggests that there are people who may meet the diagnostic criteria for autism — but may not show the stereotypical or most noticeable signs.
These individuals could appear to function similarly to neurotypicals in some contexts.
But keep in mind that a psychologist whose practice is devoted to administering ASD assessments would likely pick up on the most subtle signs of autism very early on in their interaction with a non-stereotypical Autist, or, very early on in being near enough to hear and observe them as they interact with someone else.
For example, a person with a mild form of autism (minimal support needs) may be able to navigate social situations with marginal difficulty and lead an independent life.
They might be known as the office oddball, the weird neighbor, that strange man down the street, the guy who doesn’t know when to quit talking about his fascination with airport runways, or the woman who hardly shows any facial expression and seems “off.” But otherwise, they’re perfectly self-sufficient.
They may still experience sensory sensitivities or aversions, or subtle social challenges, but they might be able to mask or compensate for these differences, blending into neurotypical society to a greater extent.
They’re seen as odd, peculiar, nerdy or rude. However, these days, with the rise in campaigns for embracing autism, such individuals are more commonly being recognized as “possibly on the Spectrum” or, “I wonder if she’s autistic.”
The Grey Area
The reality is that there exists a vast spectrum of autism, and many people have traits that blur the lines between neurotypical and neurodivergent.
These individuals might not conform to traditional definitions of either group, leading to a more fluid and nuanced perception of brain diversity.
While there isn’t a “neurotypical with autism” in the strict sense, there are many whose experiences with autism may not be immediately obvious.
Which brings me to this very important point: Just because a person’s autism is not immediately obvious to those in their presence, does NOT mean that the Autist isn’t experiencing — at that moment — some very spicy internal processing due to their Autistry!
Autism isn’t just what people see on the outside; it’s a rich inner experience for every single autistic person!
The Short Answer
“Neurotypautism” doesn’t exist.
Can you be an NT with autism? Not any more than you can be 300 pounds at average height but also skinny. Impossible.
Lorra Garrick is a former personal trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise. At Bally Total Fitness, where she was also a group fitness instructor, she trained clients of all ages for fat loss and maintaining it, muscle and strength building, fitness, and improved cardiovascular and overall health. She has a clinical diagnosis of ASD.