The time to stop making excuses for avoiding exercise and healthy eating is NOW, to prevent heart disease later on, especially for women due to changes in levels of estrogen following menopause.

PAY ATTENTION to this even if you’re 25.

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä’s Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences have identified a connection between disturbed eating behaviors plus low physical activity and an increased risk of metabolic low-grade inflammation in women.

This type of inflammation is known to elevate the risk of cardiovascular disease, which are more common in women after menopause.

The study found that a combination of exercise and healthful eating habits is the most effective way to reduce and even prevent inflammation after menopause.

And women shouldn’t wait till menopause to get hopping on a healthier eating plan and commitment to exercise.

The time is NOW, regardless of your age.

So how does menopause factor into this?

As women approach menopause, their body fat distribution undergoes changes due to a decrease in estrogen levels.

The fat that was once stored primarily in the hip area and thighs gradually shifts to the abdominal area, where it accumulates as visceral fat.

This type of fat, located around the internal organs, is far more harmful than the subcutaneous (beneath the skin) fat that builds up in the legs and upper arms.

Visceral fat is associated with low-grade inflammation.

This inflammation can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which becomes more prevalent after menopause.

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The study focused on health-impacting behaviors, including eating and physical activity, and how these behaviors are connected to low-grade inflammation.

Disordered eating behaviors, such as excessive caloric restriction or overconsumption, are a key factor.

The outcome of under- or overeating can interfere with mindfully making healthy food choices.

In particular, overeating sets a woman up for taking in way too much ultra-processed foods, which themselves are pro-inflammatory.

But even those who severely restrict calories can end up eating mostly processed foods, because their mind isn’t on health; it’s on having a thin body.

The findings of the study confirmed that those with higher amounts of visceral fat are more likely to experience low-grade inflammation.

Visceral fat secretes cytokines, proteins that increase inflammation and heighten the risk of metabolic diseases.

Women who exhibited dysfunctional eating habits and were sedentary had more visceral fat, which in turn contributed to a higher risk of low-grade inflammation.

  • Bad eating habits
  • Lack of exercise

Remember those two: They’re a very nasty duo.

When the researchers looked at the relationship between physical activity and eating behaviors, they found that higher levels of exercise were associated with lower amounts of visceral fat.

However, this effect was less pronounced in women who had disordered eating behaviors.

This suggests that while exercise can help reduce visceral fat, it’s more effective when combined with mindful eating habits such as limiting processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables.

Previous studies have shown that both exercise and food choices can influence low-grade inflammation to some extent.

However, the combined effects of these behaviors during menopause had not been explored until this study.

Given that women spend more than a third of their lives post-menopause, the phase is particularly significant because the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases increases after this stage.

Women can still reduce the accumulation of harmful visceral fat and decrease the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease even after menopause.

The study used self-report questionnaires to assess the participants’ physical activity.

The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) was also used to evaluate eating habits, such as caloric restriction and concerns about weight or body image.

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Lorra Garrick is a former personal trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise. At Bally Total Fitness, where she was also a group fitness instructor, she trained clients of all ages and abilities for fat loss and maintaining it, muscle and strength building, fitness, and improved cardiovascular and overall health.


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