Every time you awaken in the morning, you’re rudely greeted with groin pain – no matter how many times you’ve tried new sleeping positions, pillows or different mattresses.

Just what is causing this morning groin pain?

First off, realize that the groin and the hip are very much a linked part of anatomy, so if you’re having groin pain, chances are pretty good that this is somehow connected to a problem in the hip.

“Most hip pain is made up of symptoms coming from the joint, bursa, IT band or sacroiliac joint,” says Chad Gorman, MD, a board-certified physician in private practice in New Port Richey, FL, specializing in treating chronic pain of the spine and extremities.

“Patients who have groin pain in the morning may be experiencing arthritis of the hip,” says Dr. Gorman. “Lateral hip pain that is tender to touch is likely hip bursitis.”

Another Cause of Groin Pain Only in the Morning

A herniated (bulging) disc as the L1/L2 level can cause low back pain that radiates to the groin area. The L2 nerve is close to the groin.

Even at L3/L4, the pain can radiate to the groin.

A pelvic misalignment is another possible cause of pain in the groin area.

So why would these different causes make the groin pain worse in the morning, or only noticeable in the morning?

After a night’s sleep, the body is stiff, having not moved much. When everything gets stiff, and there’s already some kind of neuromuscular pathology, pain, aching or soreness will easily result.

Dr. Gorman says that the first line of treatment should be epidural steroid injections and physical therapy.

The steroid injections typically last three to four months, and sometimes that’s all the patient needs, though physical therapy should also be included.

If conservative measures have failed, including chiropractic treatment, then minimally invasive surgery is an option.

In private practice since 2013, Dr. Gorman specializes in treating chronic pain, particularly chronic lumbar and extremity pain. His orthopedic background puts him in a unique position to treat complex orthopedic pain non-operatively.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.  


Top image: Shutterstock/Syda Productions