100 images of big badass ponytails — poofy, curly, wavy, silky — ALL KINDS of ponytails + tips on mechanical prevention of hair loss.
Many women desire a big thick ponytail and are envious of those who have this naturally. A badass ponytail comes in different varieties, from poofy and bushy to thick and wavy to curly, coiled and kinky. Check out the 100+ glorious big ponytails below. And along with these are great tips on how to minimize hair loss. Tips on Ponytail Care

This glorious ponytail belongs to a man.
TIP: When washing your hair, use your fingertips rather than letting your nails dig into your scalp. When nails make contact with the scalp in a rubbing manner, this can rip strands out of their roots or weaken their hold.

Yes — that’s a man, with a magnificent ponytail.
TIP: “A mistake some make is to tie the tail too tightly,” says Fae Norris of the Rock Paper Salon, who has 17+ years of professional hairstyling experience.
“This can lead to what’s called traction alopecia,” continues Norris. “A fancy name for ‘Why is my hair snapping off in bunches?’ It usually happens with the fine hairs at the hairline or the crown where the tail sits.
“So try and find that middle ground where the tie stays in place but doesn’t bind too tightly.”
Norris adds, “I’ve found that Invisibobble hair ties work best for no other reason than they don’t leave the tell-tale ‘bend’ in hair when they’re removed. Just shake and go.”
TIP: How do you remove a fastener without taking some hair with it? To minimize this kind of hair fall, gently lift up one of the fastener loops with a finger, making sure not to pull up strands of hair with it.
Once you’re clear of any strands, insert a toenail scissors right under the loop, then snip the loop. You can then gently disengage the band from the hair without uprooting any strands. Always have on hand a supply of fasteners.
Caucasian women don’t always have “white” hair. If a white woman was born with “frizzy” hair, then that’s the right hair for her!
Not every woman was meant to wear her hair down. Maybe you were meant to rock giant ponytails! Embrace this destiny.
TIP: If an area of your scalp begins itching, do not scratch it with the typical rubbing action of a fingernail. This could dislodge strands from their follicles.
Instead, press the fingernail into the spot that’s itching and hold for a few seconds, then release. This should stop the itch. In fact, pressing the pad of your fingertip into the spot may actually do the trick as well.
TIP: “Prepping your hair before you pull it up will pay off,” says Norris. “It’s important to have your hair mostly, if not fully, dry before pulling it up.
“Because it’s more elastic. wet hair always need to be handled carefully to avoid snapping. A dry oil will give shine along with protection, and following that with a dry shampoo provides texture and a good ‘grip’ without slip. Finish with an aerosol hairspray to smooth down any flyaways.”
TIP: Never remove bobby pins with a yanking motion, as this can tear strands of hair out of their roots.
Rather, gently and patiently disconnect the pin (or any type of clip for that matter) from your hair to help prevent hair loss.
Sometimes the pin or clip will entrap a strand or two. That may not sound like a lot, but over time this will add up in hair loss. Every bit of prevention helps.
TIP: Another way to avoid needless hair fall is to avoid brushing or combing your hair while it’s in a ponytail. The hair will tend to get snagged in the bristles or teeth.
If you find a knot in your ponytail, just let it go until your hair is down to remedy it. However, to gently touch up a ponytail, use a clean (never used) toothbrush and reserve this toothbrush strictly for your hair.
TIP: When doing pushups, make sure your hair is very clear of your fingers; no strands caught under them. Otherwise, as you push up, the trapped strands will pull out of their roots.
TIP: Always be gentle and slow-moving when putting your hair in a ponytail, even if you’re in a hurry. Slow movements mean less “hair fall.”
Before completing the double loop of the rubberband, make sure that there are no strands caught up in the second loop. Same thing if you’re going for a third loop (but as already mentioned, a tight band can stress the hair.)
TIP: If you wash your hair in the kitchen sink, never abruptly lift your head up.
That’s because there could be some strands partially in the drain; if you abruptly raise your head, this might pull the hairs from their roots. It may be only a few strands, but over time, those strands count.
Solution: slowly lift your head; if you feel any strands being tugged, you can then gently correct the problem.
TIP: When squeezing suds or water out of your hair after washing, never apply the squeeze close to the scalp, as this will stress follicles and probably uproot some strands.
Instead gently hold your hair at a point a few inches from your scalp, then with the other hand squeeze the hair below your first hand to eliminate traction and tension to the scalp.
TIP: An exercise that could potentially catch some hair and rip strands out of the follicles is the back squat (as opposed to the front squat below).
Be careful of how your ponytail is being scrunched or yanked against the barbell as you position yourself under the metal – or under the padding if you use that.
Velcro from the padding might come in contact with your ponytail and rip out strands once you exit from under the bar after your set.
Another tactic for minimizing hair loss while working out is to be conscientious of how hard you tighten your ponytail before a big lift. This is a good-luck practice of some women.
Just be mindful that aggressive tightening of your ponytail could snag a few strands and weaken the follicles or even rip them out.
Don’t ever think of a ponytail as a lazy way to manage hair. A ponytail is a style in and of itself, and its versatility is no secret: from gym workouts to elegant affairs to shopping — the ponytail always works!
Is your hair just crazy all over the place when it’s down? Are you sick and tired of trying to “do” something with your hair when it’s down? Do you envy women who “can” wear their hair down?
Newsflash: Maybe your hair was meant to rock a badass ponytail!
TIP: When removing a sweatband, do so slowly, as it may have entrapped some random strands. If you quickly pull off the band, the trapped strands will likely come out of their roots, albeit negligible for that particular moment.
But enough moments like this added up over time will mean a contributor to hair loss that no woman needs.

This does not look real. More than coincidentally, the two background photos show poofy ponytails, so I suspect this might be a hairpiece for a ponytail show. I even wonder if this is a mannequin; look at “her” right shoulder.
TIP: If you often get frustrated over managing your young daughter’s “wild” ringlets, maybe the problem is that you’ve been trying too hard to create a tame hair-down look. How about putting it in a ponytail? Let the ringlets naturally flow and bounce from the fastener!
O M G !! Can you imagine the behemoth of a ponytail this magnificent hair would make?
This beast of a ponytail below belongs to a man.
Here’s another image… Tips on Ponytail Care

If you’re self-conscious about your plus-size body, a plus-size ponytail will detract from it.