It’s beginning to sound a lot more like myth rather than truth that lemon in your water can actually cause negative side effects.
One online article on lemon water actually suggests that you consult with a doctor before drinking lemon water!
Since when should lemon water be treated as a pharmaceutical such that we should consult with a doctor before drinking it?
Many restaurants put lemon wedges in their water. Why would you need to get a doctor’s approval to consume this water?
Sounds like the idea of lemon water producing bad side effects is hype.
Kids have been guzzling lemonade for generations without getting sick from it.
But now suddenly, “lemon water” can cause bad side effects?
Just what are these alleged side effects? According to some online articles, they are as follows:
Tooth Erosion
Does this also mean that drinking a lot of orange juice—with its acid content—can cause the same effect? What about eating grapefruit?
To set things straight, ask your dentist if lemon water is a real threat to tooth enamel.
According to, drinking “too much lemon with water” (and “too much” is not defined) can trigger heartburn.
The article then says that heartburn occurs due to an impaired esophageal sphincter allowing stomach acid to reflux up into the esophagus. But this is a structural/mechanical issue.
If your heartburn is eliminated only when you stop drinking lemon water, then that’s very telling.
Otherwise, there’s no need to pre-emptively give up lemon water or lemonade out of fear of getting heartburn.
Frequent Urination
The vitamin C in lemon juice may have a diuretic effect. And supposedly, “large amounts of lemon juice” in water may cause you to feel dehydrated.
Large amounts of plain water will cause frequent urination. Water in large amounts will do this, plain or with juice added.
Fascinating Observation
• The three online articles I read about “side effects of lemon water” were obviously from the same source.
• Whether two of the articles were a spun version of the third, or all three articles were spun versions of a fourth article out there somewhere, I don’t know.
• But I wonder just how many versions of the same “side effects” article are floating around in cyberspace, creating the illusion that negative side effects from lemon water is more truth than hype.
“I haven’t really heard about negative side effects of lemon water,” says Shana Spence, MS, RDN, CDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist based in New York.
Spence thus did some online research and found the following:
“There are more health benefits than there are negative,” she says. “Overall, lemons are a good source of vitamin C, which is great for our immune systems. It also can help with digestion, which is why some people choose this as their go-to drink in the mornings.
As for side effects, lemons do contain citric acid which can erode tooth enamel. I really only see this as an issue if you have sensitive teeth or if you’re not practicing oral hygiene.
“Another side effect might be heartburn, as lemons are extremely acidic. But, that side effect was only noted for some people in studies.
“Honestly, I don’t think there is much concern over lemon water. Everyone’s body reacts differently to foods because we all have varying pH levels.
“But my advice is, if you find that lemon water isn’t working, then don’t drink it. There are many other options for flavored water.”
Benefits of Lemon Water or Homemade Lemonade Sweetened with Stevia
• The refreshing taste encourages you to get in your daily quota of water.
• Helps get that vitamin C into your body, and vitamin C is important for so many bodily functions.
• Can aid in weight loss; lemons are mildly thermogenic.
• Can help prevent kidney stones.
Shana Spence of The Nutrition Tea is committed to providing trending information and nutrition facts covering a wide range including nutrition for heart disease and diabetes, pediatric nutrition and healthful lifestyles.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.