Have you found that walking even just one mph on your treadmill desk after 30 minutes leaves your low back feeling oddly stiff? What’s going on here?

A chiropractor explains why slow walking on a treadmill desk can cause lower back stiffness.

“Our bodies are built for motion and perform at their best when we have adequate movement throughout the day,” says Dr. Jeff Langmaid, DC, founder/owner of The Evidence Based Chiropractor, LLC, in Florida, a research-based marketing and practice growth company that serves thousands of chiropractors all over the world.

“The intensity or duration of motion is going to depend on the individual.

“If you have health challenges such as a cardio-pulmonary disorder, you may be recommended a low-impact activity that is consistently done throughout the day.

“Other patients might be more apt to do some brisk, high-impact exercises five-to-seven days per week.

Of course the gold standard is to be active each day. Elevating your heart rate is important for cardiovascular fitness.

In terms of low back pain, I advocate for continual motion each day.

Whether it is high-impact or low-impact will depend on the physical condition and health history of each patient.

It is always best to consult with your trusted health care provider before beginning an exercise routine.

Even the highest level of athlete has a threshold of activity where tissues are pushed too far and injury can occur.

In short, both high-impact and low-impact activity can be beneficial.

It depends on the specific individual and if they’re experiencing any other challenges or pain. Both are certainly better than no exercise at all.

Jeff Langmaid, DC
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.  


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