If you have strange, itchy or hard bumps on your penis, there is a particular type of doctor who will have excellent insight into what can be going on.

And that is a dermatologist. This is because the penis is covered with skin.

Disease processes or infections can manifest themselves in the skin, and a dermatologist can determine what that disease process or infection is.

Dr. Janet Prystowsky, board certified dermatologist in New York, NY, with 30+ years’ experience, cites a variety of causes for “bumps” that can appear on the penis.

Clear Bumps

In about 10 percent of men, these are normal “and are nothing to worry about,” says Dr. Prystowsky.

Single Hard Bump

If this appears to be just beneath the skin, it “could be a harmless cyst,” she says. It should be taken out or drained.

Cluster of Blistery Spots

This may be herpes. If not treated they’ll eventually burst and become scaly and red.

There are at least three more reasons for the development of bumps or spots on the penis, and one can lead to cancer, says Dr. Prystowsky.

If you have any bumps on your penis, even if they’re small and don’t itch, it would be a smart idea to make an appointment with a dermatologist rather than with a primary care doctor.

In combination with her focus on early skin cancer detection and removal, Dr. Prystowsky provides a wide range of revitalizing and rejuvenating treatments.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.  


Top image: Shutterstock/Syda Productions