A smart woman with long femurs relative to torso and/or shin bone length will know this is why the parallel back squat is difficult without a lot forward lean.
The back squat is not the be-all end-all, especially if you don’t want massively muscular thighs.
When I was a personal trainer my female clients wanted attractive, firm and shapely legs.
Assuming you, as a woman, don’t want the largest muscles possible, why would you need to do the back squat, then?
If a woman’s goal is to lift as much as can be, then she should work on the back squat. After all, holding a 100 pound dumbbell in each hand for dumbbell squats is not practical.
But a woman does not need to back squat a 200 pound barbell to get firm, shapely legs or slash body fat.
And besides, when’s the last time you had to lift heavy weight across your back from a squatting position outside the gym environment?
If all you want are a sizzling pair of legs and a loss of body fat, and you have the long femur to short torso issue, then stop struggling with the back squat and focus on these following exercises:
Dumbbell squat
Split squat
Plie squat
Stability ball squat
Leg press
Box jump
Squat jump
Leg extension and hamstring curl
Weighted walking lunge

Unless a long femur short torso woman wants to compete in powerlifting or professional bodybuilding (where big thigh muscles are prized) or be seen squatting impressive amounts of barbell weight, there is no logical reason why she must struggle with the back squat.
And remember, the struggling will have a negative effect on the psychology of squatting. You’ll dread it. You won’t have passion for it.
It’s OKAY to admit that your’e not built for squatting due to femurs being too long for your torso and/or relatively short shins. Focus on developing your prowess with other forms of squatting.