Learn the cause and solutions to dry mucous chunks in your nose every morning.
Regarding what causes chunks of dry mucous to build up in one’s nose overnight and cause a blockage in the morning, the expert source is Dr. Stacey Silvers, MD, of Madison ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery in NYC, who is board certified in otolaryngology.
“Nasal dryness is a more frequent issue in high altitude and colder climates,” says Dr. Silvers.
“If the nose is dry then mucous will dry, causing it to get stuck in the nose.”
The mucous becomes thick and sticky, becoming trapped in the nasal passages.
Dry nasal conditions can result from various factors, including low humidity, certain medications or medical conditions like allergies or sinus infections.
When mucus dries and becomes sticky, it can make breathing more difficult and may lead to discomfort or congestion, or simply like something’s stuck and compacted up the nostrils.
Fiercely blowing your nose is often ineffective with dry chunks of gunk because they’re so stuck into the nasal passages.
Using a humidifier, staying hydrated and using saline nasal sprays can help keep the nasal passages moist and prevent all that yucky gunk from becoming too dry and stuck.
Sinus Congestion
“Chronic congestion and nasal obstruction causes oral breathing; this can dry out the mouth and the nose especially at night,” adds Dr. Silvers.
“Dry membranes lead to dried mucous and ‘dry mucous chunks’ in the morning.”
If the problem is related to structural blockage in the nasal passages, the buildup of dry mucous will likely be greater on one side of the nose than in the other.
“Patients actively suffering with a cold or with nasal allergies may have higher mucous production that does not clear.”
Dr. Silvers recommends a morning sinus rinse to clear out the accumulation of the unpleasant substance.
Using a neti pot every morning can help prevent this problem.

Neti pot. Shutterstock/kavzov
A neti pot is a small, teapot-shaped device used for nasal irrigation to help clear nasal congestion.
It works by delivering a saline solution into one nostril and allowing it to flow through the nasal passages and out the other nostril, effectively rinsing away gunk and goop, allergens and other debris.
Use of a neti pot also adds moisture to dry nasal passages.
It’s important to use clean water (boil it first for five minutes) and thoroughly wash the neti pot after each use.
When finished, you’ll find that if you give your nose a good blow, a little more mucous should come out.
A humidifier overnight may also be helpful at reducing chunks of gunk in your morning nose. Give it a try.