Here is a very simple way to keep steamed broccoli, carrots, etc., hot WHILE you eat them.

And I mean very hot — so that you’re never stiffed with vegetables that have become unpleasant due to “getting cold.”

Even a lukewarm piece of broccoli or cauliflower is no longer appetizing.

After the vegetables, be they broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini or what-have-you, are steamed to your liking, carefully dump them (a spoon works best) into a thick tall drinking glass.

Depending on how much you have, you may need a big drinking glass. I eat a lot of broccoli and carrots in one sitting, so I use a 20 ounce drinking glass.

The amount I eat fills to near the top (because I initially fill this glass with the raw vegetables to get the right amount, then dump them in the strainer and steam them).

You now have the steamed vegetables inside the glass. You can now start eating out of the glass, and the shape of the glass will keep the heat extremely well contained. You will be amazed!

In fact, sometimes by the time I’m midway down the glass, I must still be careful about not burning my tongue.

If the vegetables are too hot, no problem: Just let them sit in the glass for several minutes.

The glass does such a good job of keeping the vegetables hot that you will see the steam pouring out.

You’ll need a full-length fork, of course, to reach the bottom of the glass.

Keeping Vegetables Hot While Eating Them

This simple trick works magically. You no longer have to hurry through eating your steamed broccoli and carrots or other vegetables.

They get cold very quickly just sitting on a plate. Containing them in a glass eliminates having to use an electrical hotplate or other inconvenient ways of keeping steamed vegetables hot.

Think outside the box. A drinking glass makes a fantastic “hot plate” for steamed vegetables that will keep them hot!

Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.