You’ll be shocked at what the greatest risk factor is for a DVT (deep vein thrombosis).
If you’re thinking that obesity is the strongest risk factor for a DVT — you’re on the right track as far as the seriousness of this risk factor.
But there’s another one that trumps obesity, says a study.
And that biggest risk factor is the non-O ABO blood type, according to a study that’s published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
The report says that this blood type comprises up to 20 percent of risks for VTE (venous thromboembolism).
Data on over 66,000 people, who’d been tracked for 33 years, was analyzed.
But could the ABO blood type be linked to a higher risk of DVT in the general population?
The study authors determined that DVT risk grew when the ABO blood type was combined with the factor V Leiden R506Q or prothrombin G20210A, which are genetic mutations that increase venous thromboembolism risk.
The researchers add that ABO blood type was indeed the most important risk factor in the general population for DVT/PE.
Other Big Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis
Obesity. “There are probably multiple factors relating to obesity and DVT risk,” says Susan L. Besser, MD, with Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore; Diplomate, American Board of Obesity Medicine and board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.
Dr. Besser explains, “It is theorized that significant obesity increases the hyper-coagulability of the blood (tendency to clot), especially if the person has a genetic predisposition to clotting (certain blood factors that are inherited can affect a person’s clotting ability).
“Additionally, physical factors, such as immobility (common in the obese) is another factor.”
Smoking. Quit. Just quit. Find another way to deal with stress or boredom.
Excessive sitting. Do you have a sit-down job? Every hour, get up and walk somewhere briskly, or do stationary lunges, squats or high knee marches for several minutes.
No exercise program. Start lifting weights and using cardio equipment, or join a cardio class. Go on hikes, bike rides, etc.
Though the greatest risk factor for a deep vein thrombosis is a blood type that you may not even have, this doesn’t mean that the other risk factors are insignificant. They count big-time.