A sweet taste in the mouth that won’t go away can have one of several serious causes.
This ongoing sensation can leave a person quite unsettled when there’s been no drink or sugary candy to explain it.
“Sweet taste in the mouth can be caused by various medical problems,” says Jordan S. Josephson, MD, FACS, ear, nose and throat specialist; director of the New York Nasal and Sinus Center, and author of “Sinus Relief Now.”
For instance, various metabolic problems can cause a sweet taste in your mouth; for example, diabetes can cause this.
Overall this symptom is poorly understood. We know that diabetes can give a patient a sensation of sweet taste in the mouth.”
The list doesn’t stop there.
Dr. Josephson continues, “Neurologic problems such as a stroke, seizure disorder or epilepsy can cause this problem.
“The patient may not even be aware that they are having a seizure, epilepsy or a stroke because this may be the only symptom.
“Furthermore, virus that attack the olfactory nerve or taste nerve can lead to this sweet taste.
“On the other hand, infection in the sinuses, nose and/or throat, especially with the bacteria pseudomonas, can give you a sweet taste or smell.”
Pseudomonas infection can get extremely serious and even be fatal, but before you get alarmed, understand that this type of infection is rare in healthy individuals.
Another cause is GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn).
In fact, GERD can cause an assortment of symptoms that can trick a person into thinking that something completely unrelated is going on with their body.

GERD. Shutterstock/solar22
GERD is often misdiagnosed as other illnesses, and serious conditions can be mistaken for GERD, such as a looming heart attack.
If this oddball symptom of a sweet taste in your mouth goes unexplained, this is a reason to seek a consultation with a doctor, and to be agreeable to giving a complete medical history and having some exams.
“Together this should provide your physician with the information to determine the exact cause of the sweet taste and thus lead them to the treatment solution that is appropriate for you,” says Dr. Josephson.
An intermittent sweet taste in the mouth is most probably a benign issue, says Dr. Josephson.
It’s when it’s of a persistent nature, and especially if it worsens, that a person should schedule a medical evaluation with a board certified ear, nose and throat specialist.
An appointment should also be made to see a neurologist, so that both physicians can perform a complete workup.
Dr. Josephson has taught hundreds of physicians the technique of functional endoscopic sinus and nasal surgery, and was an instructor on the faculty at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, health and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of feature articles for a variety of print magazines and websites. She is also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.